
Just an ordinary day

Today was just another day. I got up, put my sheets out to be washed, walked to school, went to the British Museum, came back, took a nap, went to the Soane Museum, grabbed a coffee, did some homework, went to South Kensington for a crep dinner, went to a sports cafe, found it boring, came back, watched blood diamond with a bunch of people in the common room, and now I am getting ready to go to sleep in a bed with no linens (for some reason they were unable to give me new sheets today, but they were also not able to give me my old sheets back. the cleaner had a very thick accent and I couldn't really tell what he was saying, plus I had just woken up from a nap. The important thing is I should have clean sheets some time tomorrow. I had a fun night in last night. A bunch of us ended up hanging out in the common rooms of Byng and we had a great time playing cards and stuff. I got to bed really late though, so I'm trying to get to sleep at a semi-decent time this evening. Well, that's all. Nothing really to report home about. I'm still having a great time and I think we're going to try to see a dance performance or two this week. I'll keep you posted. Nighty night.

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